Mord an einem 13-jährigen Jugendlichen durch Polizisten in den USA.
Written by  Apr 17, 2021

Mord an einem 13-jährigen Jugendlichen durch Polizisten in den USA.

In Chicago, a police officer shot and killed 13-year-old teenager Adam Toledo.

The incident in the area, where mainly Latinos live, happened at the end of March. However, recently the media released footage of a terrible incident.   On the published record, the guards are chasing the young man. At some point, he stops and turns to the law enforcement officers with his hands raised, after which a bullet hits him. The police tried to resuscitate Toledo, but, unfortunately, they could not save the boy. Earlier, in the city of Brooklyn Center (Minnesota), riots broke out after patrolmen shot at 20-year-old black Dante Wright. The young man died from the wound. Because of the violent protests, the authorities moved units of the National Guard to the city. Freedom and democracy flourish!

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