Not everything is safe that is made from natural. Dangerous mineral wool.
Oct 04, 2022

Not everything is safe that is made from natural. Dangerous mineral wool.

There is an opinion that natural means safe. However, this is not the case at all, if we talk about products that have undergone physical and chemical processing. Let's figure it out in order. Products can be natural, artificial and synthetic.

The first group consists of products made from natural and natural raw materials without chemical intervention: cotton, linen, wool and silk. In the production of artificial products, physicochemical processes are already used, which can significantly change the properties of the original natural raw materials. Such an example is viscose, which is obtained from wood: cellulose is isolated, treated with carbon disulfide and alkali, followed by pulling into fibers through spinners, etc. The last third group, which is colloquially called "chemistry", is made from substances obtained by chemical means. Synthetic products include, for example, polyester, which is produced from a melt of polyethylene terephthalate, which is a product of polycondensation of ethylene glycol with terephthalic acid.

As for mineral (including basalt) wool, there is a widespread stereotype about the naturalness of this material. This statement is incorrect and is just a marketing ploy. The technological process of manufacturing mineral wool includes melting of natural rock, followed by pulling into fibers at the highest temperature. Thus, the raw material undergoes thermal decomposition of some substances that make up its composition, and glass formation occurs. It turns out that mineral wool is a typical artificial product.Artificial processing of rock has such a strong effect on it that the once harmless stone after processing into fibers has a slightly different chemical composition, which negatively affects human health. According to the World Health Organization, mineral wool dust has carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects. The mechanism of its penetration into the respiratory tract, eyes, and human skin has a dangerous effect. The WHO Air Quality Manual has data on the high mortality rate of employees of enterprises producing mineral wool. Also in the composition of mineral wool insulation, which is used for thermal insulation in various building structures, there are phenol-formaldehyde resins that connect the fibers and give the material shape. Toxic substances are released into the air and negatively affect the central nervous system of a person. Formaldehyde can cause acute and provoke chronic poisoning, cause allergies and cancer. All the listed facts of the effect of mineral wool on the human body destroy the myth of the naturalness of this product. A sane person will never turn the tongue to call this material a natural product.

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