Experts gave advice on the choice of red caviar
Dec 21, 2019

Experts gave advice on the choice of red caviar

Tin or glass? Frozen or fresh? When choosing red caviar, it is important to pay attention to the packaging and labeling, roskachestvo expert Natalia Petrochenkova told Sputnik radio.

The classic version is a tin can. Experts recommend that when buying carefully inspect the Bank for external damage. The main danger is "bombage"."It is best to choose caviar marked "GOST" on the package. You should also look at the place of manufacture of caviar. It is better to choose a product from traditional places like Kamchatka and Sakhalin. You should also inspect the jar for external damage. The jar should never be swollen. Such a jar is otherwise called "bombage", and this is a sure sign of the presence of unacceptable types of microbes in the caviar, " roskachestvo said.

Germs and other foreign organisms in the eggs can lead to serious consequences. The most harmless of them is the distortion of the taste of the product. In the worst case, severe poisoning is possible.As experts advise, it is better to buy caviar in a glass container or by weight. So it is more difficult to hide a low-quality product."Choosing caviar in a glass jar or by weight, you can consider it before buying. Eggs of the first grade should be whole, of the same color, size, and should not be stuck together. If such a jar is turned over, then the caviar should not immediately begin to crawl along the walls. If that happens, there's too much juice in the jar. The volume of this fluid affects the actual number of eggs that you buy" — said in Roccacasale.Freezing does not affect the quality of the product, experts say. But only if it was done once.

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