Not blooming Orchid? 3 garlic cloves will help
Dec 21, 2019

Not blooming Orchid? 3 garlic cloves will help

Orchid is a beautiful plant that decorates our apartments with its flowers.

But every owner of this amazing flower knows how capricious he is. Sometimes a lot of effort has to be made to make the plant pleased with its lush and long flowering. But there is one simple secret.

At home, the Orchid blooms two or three times a year. The duration of this period is from two months to six. Some species (for example, Phalaenopsis) are able to bloom all year round, if the plant is in comfortable conditions. But sometimes the flower ceases to please the owner with flowers. How to help him?

Garlic will come to the rescueAre you surprised? According to many owners of orchids, this tool is able to make the plant just drown in flowers. Ever need:

three cloves of garlic;cup of water.Knead the garlic and put it in a Cup of water, insist for a day. Then garlic means is placed in a wide container, add more water and put there a pot with an Orchid for a couple of hours. Garlic water and pour on top.

After two hours, put the Orchid in the usual place. After 3-4 weeks, the plant will please you with abundant color. Such a procedure can be carried out every three months. Garlic water is useful for other home plants.

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