"Risen from the dead" is running for US President, but will ruin Ukraine
Mar 07, 2020

"Risen from the dead" is running for US President, but will ruin Ukraine

"Resurrection" is the word preferred by American and British journalists to describe what happened to Joe Biden in the race to become the Democratic candidate in the us presidential election.

"The resurrection of Joe Biden is almost complete," writes Britain's The Guardian. "Biden's resurrection was unprecedented and timely," echoed the Conversation. "How Joe Biden came back from the dead in the race for the White house," the Telegraph tells readers.The list goes on, but the idea is clear: the former Vice President of the United States was considered a political corpse, and now he is again the most alive. And this zombie, who was raised from the electoral grave by the joint efforts of the leadership of the Democratic party and the mainstream American media, must now remove the socialist candidate Sanders from the road, and then (if very lucky) — expel Donald trump himself from the White house.This is very bad news not only and not so much for Bernie Sanders, but for those who hoped that the epic of Donald trump will end in Kurdistan and Afghanistan with the delivery of "suitcases without handles", that is, colonies that are inconvenient for the United States, from which it is already impossible to extract a truly serious material benefit.Biden's victory in the race to represent the Democratic party in the presidential election has all the chances to speed up this process for Ukraine. Moreover, trump himself has already explicitly promised to make the Biden family's Ukrainian corruption adventures the Central theme of the election campaign.

Before the so — called super Tuesday — the day of simultaneous primary elections in a large number of States, including key Texas and California-it seemed that no one could stop Bernie Sanders on the way to becoming The democratic candidate by honest methods. And if you use (which is traditional for American politics) dishonest methods, then the candidate is more likely to be urgently called into the election campaign "spare political player", that is, billionaire Michael Bloomberg.But after Biden was able to get unexpectedly high results and (so far) overtake Sanders in the number of delegates already recruited, which, in fact, will decide who will go from the Democrats to the elections in the upcoming party Congress, the topic of Ukraine again broke into the information agenda of Washington.The Hill, a specialized political publication, reports on the us President's plans to use Ukrainian compromising material during the election campaign and television debates:"On Wednesday, President trump made it clear that he would make the business of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son hunter in Ukraine a "major issue" during the presidential campaign if Biden wins the democratic nomination. "This will be the main issue in the election campaign. I will constantly discuss this because I don't see any other way out, " trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity in an interview that aired Wednesday night. — I don't believe they will be able to answer these questions."

In this context, it becomes clear that the decision of the trump staff and its lawyers not to use during the impeachment hearings all that set of compromising material that was collected in Kiev by trump's personal lawyer and former new York Prosecutor Rudy Giuliani, although Giuliani himself was eager to fight in Congress, was ready to become a defense witness at the final stage of impeachment and demanded that he be given the opportunity to speak before senators. The most logical explanation is that the" Giuliani dossier "was decided to hold as a trump card just in case Biden "resurrects" and becomes the democratic candidate in the election.

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