In Orthodox churches on February 22, St. Pancras is commemorated.

In Orthodox churches on February 22, St. Pancras is commemorated.

Every year, on February 22, all Orthodox churches commemorate St. Pankratius of the Caves.

And in the people for several centuries celebrate the Day of Pankratius, overgrown with its own signs and traditions. About what you can't do on February 22-in the article URA.RU.

Traditions on Pankration Day

The peasants associated Pankratius Day with the end of winter. Therefore, on February 22, the people checked the remaining grain reserves, saying:: "Not every Pankrat is rich in bread, but our Pankrat is rich in bast shoes". After the grain, it was decided to inspect the rest of the farm. Broken property was repaired on this day, so that with the arrival of spring, you could immediately get to work, and not waste time on repairs.

What not to do on February 22, 2025

The people knew that on February 22, in any case, you should not be lazy. After all, those who try to avoid working on Pankration Day will lose a lot of money in the future. And if a person slept before lunch, then he was threatened with diseases.

On the street on the Day of Pankration, it was impossible to pick up valuable money and things. The peasants believed that the objects left behind were charmed for diseases and lack of money. And when they met a girl, men were in no hurry to compliment her — because then she would lose all her beauty.

Also on February 22, people tried their best not to scratch their ears, even if they really wanted to sleep. According to the signs, if a person still can't resist scratching his ear, then he will soon be deceived.

Omens for February 22, 2025

As on many other holidays, people determined what to expect from nature by the weather outside the window on Pankration Day. For example, severe frosts warned that the cold will not recede soon, and there is no need to wait for snowfall in the near future." The fogged-up windows of the houses indicated the approaching thaw, and the snowfall — the harvest year. Also on February 22, people closely monitored the behavior of birds. After all, if the birds are worried, then spring will come early.

Who is Pankraty Pechersky

The Monk Pankraty of the Caves lived in the XIII century and served in the Kievo-Pechersk Monastery. Little is known about his life — the saint became famous as a recluse who spent his entire life in prayer. For his devotion to the faith, God rewarded him with a miracle of healing. The relics of the saint rest in the underground caves of Feodosia.

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