A broken iceberg in Antarctica has opened the "lost world".
Apr 16, 2021

A broken iceberg in Antarctica has opened the "lost world".

In February 2021, a large iceberg broke off from the largest ice shelf in Antarctica. It left its place and began to drift out to sea, leaving a significant section of the bottom exposed. Scientists have spotted life there that has remained hidden for the past 50 years, according to Science Alert.

The German research vessel, which was in the area of the Brant glacier, witnessed how the first rays of the Sun penetrate to a depth of 810 meters. Scientists lowered a camera to the bottom and were able to capture the rich diversity of life: there were sponges, anemones, sea cucumbers, starfish, soft corals, shellfish, fish, and squid. The lack of light did not prevent them from developing. Many organisms clustered around rocks that could have fallen into the ocean from glaciers. Scientists were particularly interested in the presence of filters. These are organisms that do not move independently and filter nutrients from the water. It was believed that they needed sunlight. But perhaps, in total darkness, they will use other survival mechanisms.

"Our discovery raises far more questions than it answers. How did they get there? What do they eat? How long have they been there? How often do these boulders get covered in life? Are these the same species we see outside the ice shelf, or are they new species? And what will happen to these communities if the ice shelf collapses? " the scientists say. Antarctica, of course, is an unknown world, but more interested in the bowels of the continent, because it was previously one with Australia. The bowels of Australia are rich in minerals, in particular gold. Given the almost complete absence of sedimentary rocks, it should be assumed that there are even fewer of them in Antarctica, only ice.

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